29 October 2010
UNEP Tunza Youth Make Declaration to CBD COP 10
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The Declaration focuses on particpants' intention to plant trees, become more familiar with nature in order to realize its importance, not litter, sustainably support biological resources, use food wisely, recycle daily and use paper resourcefully.

28 October 2010: Delegates to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Tunza International Children’s Conference on the Environment presented their “Declaration on Biodiversity” to the high-level segment of the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), convening in Nagoya, Japan.

Their Declaration focused on their intention to plant trees, become more familiar with nature in order to realize its importance, not to litter, sustainably support biological resources, use food wisely, recycle daily and use paper resourcefully. They requested delegates to CBD COP 10 to increase commitment to the enforcement of laws that limit the amount of fishing and protect the environment from pollution through the use of more protected areas, and to impose penalties on countries or people who do not observe these laws.

The Tunza conference brought together over 220 children and chaperones from 40 countries. During the meeting, which convened simultaneously with CBD COP 10, children debated issues including sustainable use of biological resources, the implementation of laws, and ways to deal with invasive species. [UNEP Press Release]

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