
An agreed text developed by various actors, which may or may not be legally-binding. Outcomes include resolutions by the UN General Assembly and decisions by the Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ Conference of the Parties and Meeting of the Parties.

  • Intellectual Property + Genetic Resources + Traditional Knowledge = Treaty

    Intellectual Property + Genetic Resources + Traditional Knowledge = Treaty

    <p>With the treaty’s adoption, WIPO member States concluded lengthy negotiations that began at WIPO in 2001. The treaty will enter into force three months after 15 countries have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession.</p>

  • OECD Declaration Supports GFC Strategic Objectives and Targets

    OECD Declaration Supports GFC Strategic Objectives and Targets

    <p>The adherents emphasize their commitment to strengthen the sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle in line with the vision, strategic objectives, and targets of the GFC. The countries “strongly encourage industry stakeholders across global value chains to ensure safe and sustainable management of chemicals throughout their life-cycle by developing and implementing safer, innovative…

  • CSW Urges Governments to Integrate Gender Perspective in FfD Commitments

    CSW Urges Governments to Integrate Gender Perspective in FfD Commitments

    <p>The Commission reaffirms that the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome documents of its reviews contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to achieving gender equality. It “reiterates that the 2030 Agenda needs to be implemented in a comprehensive manner, reflecting its universal, integrated and indivisible nature……

  • UNGA Steers Use of Safe, Secure, Trustworthy AI for Sustainable Development

    UNGA Steers Use of Safe, Secure, Trustworthy AI for Sustainable Development

    <p>The UNGA encourages Member States and stakeholders to “develop and support regulatory and governance approaches and frameworks… [to] create an enabling ecosystem at all levels”. It calls on all Member States and stakeholders “to refrain from or cease the use of artificial intelligence systems that are impossible to operate in compliance with international human rights…

  • Third South Summit Calls for International Financial Architecture Reform

    Third South Summit Calls for International Financial Architecture Reform

    <p>In the Third South Summit Outcome Document, leaders stress the need to strengthen the role of the UNGA and ECOSOC in dealing with the international financial architecture reform and urge MDBs to “meet the financing needs of all developing countries, including low- and middle-income countries, through concessional finance and grants”. Among other solutions, they call…

  • Non-Aligned Movement Reaffirms Multilateralism, Inclusive Trading System

    Non-Aligned Movement Reaffirms Multilateralism, Inclusive Trading System

    <p>In the Kampala Declaration, member countries commit to strengthening the UN as the primary multilateral organization and reaffirm their commitment to contribute positively to the Summit of the Future in September, “to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance”. They support the reform of the international financial architecture, for the international…

  • ICAO Aspires to Reduce Emissions by 5% by 2030 Compared to Zero Cleaner Energy

    ICAO Aspires to Reduce Emissions by 5% by 2030 Compared to Zero Cleaner Energy

    <p>Key elements of the new Global Framework “include a collective vision for the clean energy transition, harmonized regulatory foundations, supporting implementation initiatives, and improved access to financing for related initiatives so that ‘No Country is Left Behind’”. As per the Framework, “each State’s special circumstances and respective capabilities will inform [their] ability… to contribute to…

  • Historic Global Framework on Chemicals Adopted Following Years of Talks

    Historic Global Framework on Chemicals Adopted Following Years of Talks

    <p>Based around 28 targets, the Framework outlines a roadmap for countries and stakeholders to collaboratively address the lifecycle of chemicals, including products and waste. The negotiating process was unique in that representatives from governments, the private sector, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, youth, and academia participated at the same level. Pledging EUR 20 million to the…

  • GEF-hosted GBF Fund Receives First Contributions, GEF to Serve High Seas Treaty

    GEF-hosted GBF Fund Receives First Contributions, GEF to Serve High Seas Treaty

    <p>Canada and the UK announced initial GBFF contributions of CAD 200 million and GBP 10 million, respectively. The Assembly also adopted amendments to the Instrument for the Establishment of a Restructured GEF, enabling it to serve the high seas treaty adopted by governments in June.</p>

  • In “a Triumph for Multilateralism,” Governments Adopt High Seas Treaty

    In “a Triumph for Multilateralism,” Governments Adopt High Seas Treaty

    <p>Negotiations on the agreement concluded in early March 2023, but “the draft text had to undergo a technical edit by an informal open-ended working group before it could be adopted”. At a resumed fifth session of the Intergovernmental Conference, held in New York, US, from 19-20 June, “the ship … arrived at the port”. However,…

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