28 June 2004
story highlights

The second preparatory meeting of the Tunis Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) concluded its work with agreement on financial mechanisms and the way forward.

On financial mechanisms, the PrepCom recognized the growing importance of private sector development in infrastructure and outlined areas needing further attention, including: ICT capacity building programmes; […]

The second preparatory meeting of the Tunis Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) concluded its work with agreement on financial mechanisms and the way forward.

On financial mechanisms, the PrepCom recognized the growing importance of private sector development in infrastructure and outlined areas needing further attention, including: ICT capacity building programmes; community access and connectivity; coordinated assistance for LDCs and SIDS; ICT applications aimed at integrating ICTs into implementation of poverty reduction strategies; funding SMMEs; and local government and community-owned initiatives. The PrepCom also agreed on a number of recommendations to improve existing financial mechanisms and enhance multistakeholder and cross-sectional coordination between governments and business.
PrepCom-2 brokered an agreement on the Digital Solidarity Fund (see media report), considered the interim report of the Working Group on Internet Governance, agreed on the format of the Tunis Summit, and outlined the way ahead. On the way ahead, the PrepCom agreed to transmit to PrepCom-3 the political component of the Tunis text, including compilations of all written comments and proposals made during PrepCom-2 on this portion of the document. The chapters on implementation and follow-up mechanisms for the WSIS Action Plan and the post-Summit phase will be transmitted to PrepCom-3 following a review by the Group of Friends of the Chair and inclusion of proposals and written comments forwarded at PrepCom-2. On internet governance, PrepCom-2 decided to invite governments and other stakeholders to submit written comments and proposals following the availability of the Working Group’s final report in mid-July, and to transmit to PrepCom-3 a compilation of contributions received by mid-August together with the final report. PrepCom-3 is scheduled to take place from 19-30 September 2005 in Geneva. More.