10 October 2012
EU Adopts Integrated Maritime Policy
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The Limassol Declaration reaffirms that a coordinated approach to maritime affairs will advance development of the EU's “blue economy” while ensuring the health of marine ecosystems.

The Declaration focuses on maritime sectors with potential for generating new jobs and growth, including marine renewable energy, aquaculture, blue biotechnology, coastal tourism and sea bed mining.

EU8 October 2012: At the Informal Ministerial meeting on EU Integrated Maritime Policy, held in Limassol, Cyprus, on 8 October 2012, European Ministers for maritime policy and the European Commission adopted the Limassol Declaration, an agenda for generating growth and jobs in marine and maritime sectors.

José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission, lauded the Limassol Declaration as a strong basis for promoting “blue growth” in Europe. The Limassol Declaration reaffirms that a coordinated approach to maritime affairs will advance development of the EU’s “blue economy” while ensuring the health of marine ecosystems. The Declaration focuses on maritime sectors with potential for generating new jobs and growth, including marine renewable energy, aquaculture, blue biotechnology, coastal tourism and sea bed mining.

Ministers called on Member States and European institutions to deliver: support for research and marine knowledge; maritime training; cost-efficient cooperation on maritime surveillance; improved planning of maritime space and the further implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework directive. [Statement of European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries] [Statement of EC President] [EC Press Release] [EC Maritime Affairs Website]

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