20-22 August 2007 Honolulu, HI, US
Second IASTED International Conference on Water Resources Management (WRM 2007)

The purpose of this conference is to act as an interdisciplinary forum for decision-makers, academics, and professionals interested in the development and application of technology to ensure the sustainable use and management of water resources. The conference will cover both hard and soft technology and will serve to promote the use of appropriate technologies. WRM 2007 will address five themes: water supply and sustainable use; wastewater and stormwater management; integrated watershed management; pollution prevention and reduction in industry; and issues in implementing environmentally sound technologies.  

dates: 20-22 August 2007  
location: Honolulu, US  
contact: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)  
phone: 1 403 288 1195  
fax: 1 403 247 6851  
e-mail: calgary@iasted.org  
www: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/home-578.html  

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