30 April - 2 May 2008 Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
ITTO Expert Meeting addressing Climate Change through Sustainable Forest Management

The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), in partnership with the Governments of Japan and Switzerland, will host an international expert meeting to promote the role of tropical forests and their sustainable management in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The meeting is also expected to clarify and illustrate the role of ITTO in climate change adaptation and mitigation, and to assist member countries in formulating and implementing an integrated forest sector response to climate change.  

dates: 30 April-2 May 2008  
location: Yokohama, Japan  
contact: Hwan Ok Ma, ITTO  
phone: 81-45-223-1110  
fax: 81-45-223-1111  
e-mail: ma@itto.or.jp  
www: http://www.itto.or.jp/live/PageDisplayHandler?pageId=223&id=3839  

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