7-9 June 2007 Belgrade, Serbia
Groundwater Management in the Danube River Basin and other Large River Basins Conference

The objective of this conference is to give an overview of the problems in groundwater management in the Danube River Basin and other large river basins, to summarize the available background information for supporting the preparation of river basin management plans according to the Water Framework Directive, specially in the Danube River Basin, and to exchange knowledge relating to the transport and transformation of various substances in groundwater, and to the protection of groundwater.  

dates: 7-9 June 2007  
location: Serbia  
additional: Belgrade  
contact: Miodrag Milovanovi  
phone: 381 11 390 81 35  
fax: 381 11 390 64 81  
e-mail: mmjcerni@eunet.yu  
www: http://www.jcerni.org/activities/conferences/iwa2007/home.html  

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