28 October 2010
WMO, CBD Release Report on Climate Change and Coral Reefs
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The report outlines the threats posed by climate change to coral reefs and highlights the role of meteorological services in addressing them.

26 October 2010: The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have released a report titled “Climate, Carbon and Coral Reefs,” outlining the threat to coral reefs caused by climate change and subsequent coral bleaching, as well as by ocean acidification.

The report outlines the role of meteorological services in addressing climate change and coral reef issues. It highlights the importance of identifying periods of coral bleaching risks, sea temperature trends, ocean salinity trends, ocean circulation trends and sea level rise. It also describes the destructive powers of tropical cyclone impacts, reduced growth of coral due to ocean acidification, and direct human impacts to reefs.

The report calls for: increased communication; cumulative water pollution dispersion maps; global annual briefings on the threat climate change poses to reefs; action at local and global scales; and increased research in coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling, coastal and hydrological modeling and weather prediction. The report was released on the sidelines of the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the CBD, taking place in Nagoya, Japan. [WMO Report on Coral Reefs and Climate]

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