11 February 2008
CBD Executive Secretary says species at risk from climate change
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Speaking at the International Civil Society Forum “100 Days to the UN Biodiversity Conference,” CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf said biodiversity faces a “tremendous challenge, compounded by climate change.

The Fourth IPCC Assessment Report, released last year, predicts that, as a result of climate change, up to 30 per cent of all known species are […]

Speaking at the International Civil Society Forum “100 Days to the UN Biodiversity Conference,” CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf said biodiversity faces a “tremendous challenge, compounded by climate change.

The Fourth IPCC Assessment Report, released last year, predicts that, as a result of climate change, up to 30 per cent of all known species are likely to be at increased risk of extinction before the end of this century.”
Full Statement | CBD |

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