16-19 October 2007 Dongying, Shandong, China
Third International Yellow River Forum on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance

This forum will provide suggestions and plans for the sustainable utilization of water resources and delta ecosystem maintenance of the Yellow River and other rivers in the world. Some of the main themes of the forum are: integrated water resources management and developing trends; sustainable water resources exploitation for sound ecosystems; protection and rehabilitation of the delta ecosystem; delta ecosystem and exploitation mode; water environment protection and harmonization of the river’s many functions; regional water resources allocation and inter-basin water regulation; and water rights, water markets and water saving.  

dates: 16-19 October 2007  
location: Dongying, China  
additional: Dongying City, Shandong Province  
contact: Tong Yifeng  
e-mail: iyrf@yellowriver.gov.cn  