2 December 2011
Second Committee Reaches Agreement on Biodiversity Issues
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The UN General Assembly's Second Committee adopted a draft decision on the UN Forum on Forests, along with draft resolutions on sustainable mountain development, protection of coral reefs, and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

They will need to be approved by the UNGA plenary.

UN logo22 November 2011: The UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Second Committee has adopted several draft resolutions and decisions pertaining to biodiversity.

On 22 November 2011, under the UNGA’s agenda item on sustainable development, the Committee adopted: a draft decision on the contribution of the ninth session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) (A/C.2/66/L.52); a draft resolution on sustainable mountain development (A/C.2/66/L.33/Rev.1); a draft resolution on protection of coral reefs for sustainable livelihoods and development (A/C.2/66/L.38/Rev.1); and a draft resolution on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (A/C.2/66/L.55).

By the resolution on the UNFF, the UNGA would endorse the Ministerial Declaration of the High‑level Segment of the UNFF’s Ninth Session, and transmit it as a contribution of the Forum to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

By the resolution on sustainable mountain development, the UNGA would express deep concern at the number and scale of natural disasters and their increasing impact in recent years, which had particularly negative consequences in mountain regions of developing countries. It would urge the international community to take concrete steps in support of national and regional efforts to ensure the sustainable development of mountain regions. It would call on governments to study the specific concerns of mountain communities, with a view to promoting sustainable mountain development, paying particular attention to the adverse impacts of climate change on mountain environments and to biological diversity.

The draft resolution on coral reefs would have the UNGA urge States and international organizations to protect coral reefs and related ecosystems while implementing integrated and comprehensive approaches to their management. It also would stress the need for improving understanding of the benefits of coral reefs in order to develop and enhance measures to protect reefs, and strengthen the ability of coastal communities to adapt to environmental changes and coral reef degradation.

Finally, the draft resolution on the CBD would stress the importance of continued substantive consideration of the issue of biological diversity. It would note with appreciation the offer by the Government of India to host the 11th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 11) to the CBD.

Draft decisions and resolutions of the UNGA’s Committees must be approved by the UNGA plenary before taking effect. [Draft Decision on UNFF Contribution] [Draft Resolution on Sustainable Mountain Development] [Draft Resolution on Coral Reefs] [Draft Resolution on CBD]

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