2 June 2009
UNGA to Discuss Climate Change and its Possible Security Implications
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30 May 2009: During the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) plenary meeting on 3 June 2009, on the follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit, delegates will consider a draft resolution on climate change and its possible security implications (A/63/L.8/Rev.1).

In the draft resolution, the UNGA “invites the relevant organs of the UN […] to […]

© UN30 May 2009: During the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) plenary meeting on 3 June 2009, on the follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit, delegates will consider a draft resolution on climate change and its possible security implications (A/63/L.8/Rev.1).

In the draft resolution, the UNGA “invites the relevant organs of the UN […] to intensify their efforts in considering and addressing climate change, including its possible security implications; and requests the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive report to the UNGA at its 64th session on the possible security implications of climate change, based on the views of the member States and relevant regional and international organizations.” [The Draft Resolution]