13 September 2018
UNEP-WCMC Report Analyzes Area-based Management Approaches to Support SDGs
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UNEP-WCMC released a report that presents evidence from an analysis on how 12 different types of area-based management approaches contribute to or align with the SDGs.

The report underscores the potential area-based management approaches to support multiple SDGs.

10 September 2018: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP, or UN Environment) World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) has released a technical report on how area-based management approaches can support SDG achievement. The report titled, ‘The Contributions of Marine and Coastal Area-Based Management Approaches to SDGs and Targets,’ analyzes a selection of area-based management approaches to support the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources using 25 case studies from around the world.

The publication aims to provide policymakers and practitioners with the tools and inspiration to use area-based management approaches to support the SDGs. It presents evidence from an analysis of 12 different types of area-based management approaches that contribute to or are aligned with the SDGs and how each approach contributed to 45 SDG targets identified as being relevant to ocean management. These 45 SDG targets are contained across SDG 1 (no poverty), SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), SDG 13 (climate action), SDG 14 (life below water), SDG 15 (life on land), SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) and SDG 17 (partnerships for the Goals).

Use of an area-based management approach to support one SDG target may indirectly contribute towards other targets.

The report finds that area-based management approaches are used to deliver a range of policies that align with SDGs and associated targets, including sustainable management of natural resources, climate change adaptation, food security and societal engagement. Further, the report underscores that different area-based management approaches have the potential to deliver different targets: some approaches aim to deliver upon a range of policies and cut across multiple SDGs and targets while other approaches support specific policies and therefore fewer targets. Similarly, use of an area-based management approach to support one SDG target may indirectly contribute towards other targets. As an illustration, sustainable management of fish stocks (SDG 14) may support targets related to food security (SDG 2) and sustainable consumption (SDG 8).

The report identifies seven enabling conditions and barriers that influence the implementation of area-based management approaches, and provides guidance on how approaches can be more effective. These conditions are: 1) spatial scale; 2) legal basis; 3) institutional framework; 4) funding; 5) multi-sector stakeholder engagement; 6) data collection and monitoring; and 7) use of adaptive process. For example, the report elaborates on how both non-binding and legal frameworks can support implementation of area-based management approaches.

UNEP-WCMC produced the report with financial support from the European Commission-UNEP Cooperation Agreement. [Publication: The Contributions of Marine and Coastal Area-Based Management Approaches to SDGs and Targets] [UNEP-WCMC Press Release]

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