22 November 2002
Sixth Water Information Summit 2003
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The Sixth Water Information Summit, organized by the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) and the Water Web Consortium, took place from 9-12 September 2003 in Delft, the Netherlands.

The Summit focused on strategies to overcome the ‘digital divide’ between North and South, and to share knowledge and information in support of the management of […]

The Sixth Water Information Summit, organized by the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) and the Water Web Consortium, took place from 9-12 September 2003 in Delft, the Netherlands.

The Summit focused on strategies to overcome the ‘digital divide’ between North and South, and to share knowledge and information in support of the management of the water and sanitation sectors. Bringing together communication specialists, information managers, website managers, academics, scientists, policy-makers, and other water information users and providers, participants considered the future of water portals, web-based interactive sites that make it easy to find water-related web sites. Other themes discussed included: use of information by different target groups; the role of information in reducing health and poverty; information, water and gender; closing the ‘digital divide’; and implementation of actions relating to water information taken at the 3rd World Water Forum. For more information visit: http://www.irc.nl/news/wis6.html

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