9 October 2007
story highlights

The 2007 Seafood Industry Congress took place from 25-27 September 2007, in Dublin, Ireland.

Participants heard from the director of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Fishing Industry Division that seafood producers need to adapt to intensifying demand from retailers and consumers for “environmentally friendly” fish.

It was also underlined that major seafood retailers like Unilever, […]

The 2007 Seafood Industry Congress took place from 25-27 September 2007, in Dublin, Ireland.

Participants heard from the director of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Fishing Industry Division that seafood producers need to adapt to intensifying demand from retailers and consumers for “environmentally friendly” fish. It was also underlined that major seafood retailers like Unilever, Tesco, Walmart and Asda have already committed to selling only fish that has been harvested or raised sustainably.
Link to further information
FAO Press Release, 18 September 2007

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