16 November 2012
Ramsar Reports on Symposium for Conservation of Gonggeomji and Rice Paddies
story highlights

Participants at the 2012 International Symposium for the Conservation of Gonggeomji and Rice Paddies discussed the management of rice paddies for conservation, focusing on the case of Gonggeomji.

They also engaged in a town hall meeting that discussed the designation of the site as a Ramsar Site with local stakeholders, including the rice farmers.

14 November 2012: The Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention) has reported on the 2012 International Symposium for the Conservation of Gonggeomji and Rice Paddies held in September, which aimed to evaluate the management plan for Gonggeomji and its possible designation as a Ramsar Site.

The symposium took place in Sangju, Republic of Korea, from 12-15 September 2012, and brought together over 26 representatives from six countries, as well as members of the local community including rice farmers from Gonggeomji. The meeting was hosted by Pusan National University and the Ramsar Regional Centre – East Asia.

Participants discussed the management of rice paddies for conservation, focusing on the case of Gonggeomji. They examined management plans for Gonggeomji and their possible adaptation to improve the status of the rice paddy wetland. Participants visited the National Wetland Management Center, near Upo wetland, which is still under construction, and the Gonggeumji rice paddy wetland. They also engaged in a town hall meeting that discussed the designation of the site as a Ramsar Site with local stakeholders, including the rice farmers. [Ramsar Press Release] [Ramsar News Page]