10 November 2009
Ramsar Calls for “Wet Carbon” Project Proposals
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November 2009: The Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, together with the Danone Groupe and IUCN, has called for “wet carbon” project proposals, or projects with wetland, community and climate impacts.

The Danone Fund for Nature (DFN) – a partnership initiative of the Danone Group, IUCN and Ramsar – aims to preserve and restore […]

dfnNovember 2009: The Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, together with the Danone Groupe and IUCN, has called for “wet carbon” project proposals, or projects with wetland, community and climate impacts.
The Danone Fund for Nature (DFN) – a partnership initiative of the Danone Group, IUCN and Ramsar – aims to preserve and restore wetland ecosystems that are crucial to the carbon cycle. DFN-eligible projects must have, once implemented, the potential to generate certified emission reductions or carbon credits that the Danone Group can use for the purposes of achieving its voluntary carbon neutrality targets. [Guidance for project proposal]

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