13 June 2012
Pew Environment Group Publishes Oceans Quiz
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The Pew Environment Group quiz, titled “How Much Do You Know About the Ocean?,” contains a series of questions relating to oceans, addressing topics such as over-fishing, marine protected areas (MPAs), fishing subsidies, sustainable fisheries, illegal unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and fisheries management.

June 2012: Ahead of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), the Pew Environment Group has produced an oceans quiz, titled “How Much Do You Know About the Ocean?,” which aims to test and raise awareness of the benefits provided by oceans and the challenges they face.

Highlighting the importance of ocean protection, the Group underscores that without measures to conserve marine ecosystems, there can be no healthy planet Earth, no green economy and no sustainable future. The quiz contains a series of questions relating to oceans, addressing topics such as over-fishing, marine protected areas (MPAs), fishing subsidies, sustainable fisheries, illegal unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and fisheries management. [Quiz: How Much Do You Know About the Ocean?]

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