9 July 2012
Nordic Council Seminar Highlights New Nordic Food Movement
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The Nordic Council of Ministers sponsored a seminar at Rio+20 on “From New Nordic Food to a New Rural Economy,” which discussed the linkages between considering biodiversity and ecosystems in rural development, and food production and the quality of food available to eat.

The seminar highlighted the key tenants of the New Nordic Food movement, using locally produced food and consuming less meat.

19 June 2012: The Nordic Council of Ministers sponsored a seminar at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) highlighting the key tenants of the New Nordic Food movement, such as using locally produced food and consuming less meat. Speakers at “From New Nordic Food to a New Rural Economy” discussed the linkages between considering biodiversity and ecosystems in rural development on the one hand, and food production and the quality of food available to eat on the other.

Martin Lidegaard, Danish Minister for Climate and Energy, highlighted that 30% of climate emissions in the EU stem from food production, requiring a transformation in its production and consumption. Chef Trine Hahnemann said New Nordic Food is “about local empowerment,” while Chef Teresa Carcao underscored that “cooking is a political act.”

New Nordic Food is based on a Manifesto drafted in 2004 by Nordic Chefs. The Manifesto has ten basic tenants, including: express purity, freshness, simplicity and ethics associated with our region; reflect seasons in meals; cook with raw materials especially excellent in our climate, landscape and waters; combine demand for good taste with knowledge about health; promote Nordic products; promote animal welfare and sound production in the sea, as well as cultivated and wild landscapes; develop new applications of traditional Nordic food products; combine the best Nordic cooking procedures with traditions from outside; combine self-sufficiency with regional exchange; and cooperation with consumers and other stakeholders for the benefit and advantage of all in Nordic countries. [Norden Press Release on New Nordic Food] [Norden Press Release on Rio+20 Seminar]

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