23 November 2011
New GEF STAP Reports Give Scientific Backing for Projects
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The Global Environment Facility Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (GEF STAP) has published papers on eutrophication, marine debris, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) disposal technologies and creative project design, to highlight results and make recommendations for further work.

GEF-UNEPNovember 2011: The Global Environment Facility Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (GEF STAP) has released four publications providing scientific backing for the implementation of GEF projects.

The first two reports seek to inform the GEF Council, its partners and the global environmental community about the growing threats facing oceans – namely the increasing number of oxygen-depleted zones caused by eutrophication and hitherto unrecognized damage to marine ecosystems from plastic pollution, respectively. The report titled “Hypoxia and Nutrient Reduction in the Coastal Zone: Advice for Prevention, Remediation and Research” recommends that the GEF urgently increase its support to nutrient reduction projects. The publication titled “Marine Debris as a Global Environmental Problem: Introducing a solutions based framework focused on plastic” proposes a revised framework in addressing plastic debris that advocates the use of the “five R’s” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Redesign and Recover) in a regional context.

The report titled “Selection of Persistent Organic Pollutant Disposal Technology for GEF Projects” presents updates on technology availability for disposal of POPs and places such disposal within the broader context of the POPs management process and sound chemicals management.

Finally, the publication titled “Experimental Project Design in the Global Environment Facility: Designing projects to create evidence and catalyze investments to secure global environmental benefits” argues that the GEF is in an unique position to generate credible evidence on the results of investments in generating environmental benefits. [Publication: Hypoxia and Nutrient Reduction in the Coastal Zone: Advice for Prevention, Remediation and Research] [Publication: Marine Debris as a Global Environmental Problem: Introducing a solutions based framework focused on plastic] [Publication: Selection of Persistent Organic Pollutant Disposal Technology for GEF Projects] [Publication: Experimental Project Design in the Global Environment Facility: Designing projects to create evidence and catalyze investments to secure global environmental benefits]