22 April 2010
Mother Earth is Under Pressure – UN Secretary-General
story highlights

22 April 2010: In a message to mark International Mother Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated that “Mother Earth – our only home – is under pressure.” Noting that we have “drawn on nature’s capital without putting back,” he underlined that we are now seeing the consequences, as showcased by […]

22 April 2010: In a message to mark International Mother Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated that “Mother Earth – our only home – is under pressure.” Noting that we have “drawn on nature’s capital without putting back,” he underlined that we are now seeing the consequences, as showcased by climate change and the depleted ozone layer.
He highlighted that environmental sustainability is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and recalled that, in September, he will convene a summit in New York, US, to review progress towards the MDGs and develop an agenda for action. Ban concluded by stressing the importance of “protecting Mother Earth” as “an integral component of our strategy” and calling on all governments, businesses and citizens of the world “to give our Mother Earth the respect and care she deserves.” [The Message]