16 August 2012
MC Newsletter Highlights Socio-Economic Measures Workshop, Launch of Humåtak Project
story highlights

A socio-economic measures workshop in Palau, a community-led initiative to restore watersheds and coral reefs in Guam, progress made on marketing and communications, and other articles feature in the August 2012 edition of the Micronesia Challenge Newsletter.

In addition, blog entries highlighted describe monitoring work at the Nimpal Channel Marine Conservation area, and the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS).

August 2012: The August 2012 issue of the “Micronesia Challenge Newsletter,” published by the Micronesia Challenge (MC) Secretariat, features articles on a socio-economic measures workshop held in Palau, blog networks, the Humatak Project now underway in Guam and more.

According to the MC Secretariat, 35 participants from all five MC jurisdictions recently met in Palau to identify a core group of practical socio-economic indicators, as well as a set of site, jurisdictional, and regional socio-economic indicators to measure progress on the social objectives of the MC, specifically with regard to sustainable livelihoods, good governance and education and capacity-building.

The newsletter also features an update on the The Humåtak Project, a recently launched community-led initiative seeking to restore Guam’s coral reefs and watersheds. Efforts to restore the damaged La Sa Fu’a Watershed in Humåtak are especially highlighted.

The MC Secretariat describes progress made by the MC communications team, whose marketing strategy has built an online audience of nearly 400,000. The newsletter also notes new blog entries on: the Young Champions Blog Network, describing monitoring work at the Nimpal Channel Marine Conservation area; and the Saving Our Micronesia community blog, describing the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) held recently in Cairns, Australia. [Publication: Micronesia Challenge Newsletter, August 2012]