24 May 2012
IUCN Bulletin Highlights Checklist for Rio+20 Negotiations
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The May edition of the IUCN@Rio Bulletin highlights the checklist of IUCN's main points for Rio+20, the objective of which is give IUCN Members, Commissions and secretariat, a basis to flag their positions on some of the most important issues to be discussed at Rio+20.

May 2012: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has published the May issue of its IUCN@Rio Bulletin, focusing on the status of negotiations in preparation for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

The purpose of the Bulletin is to update IUCN Members, Commissions and staff on the latest developments related to Rio+20 and the evolution of IUCN’s position. The May edition highlights the Sustainable Development Dialogues, a forum to engage civil society in discussions on a variety of sustainability issues, including sustainable cities, water, oceans and forests. It also highlights the checklist of IUCN’s main points for Rio+20, the objective of which is to give IUCN Members, Commissions and Secretariat a basis to flag their positions on some of the most important issues to be discussed at Rio+20.

In addition, the Bulletin provides an update on the Rio+20 process, noting the various negotiating sessions that have been held to date, and describing the state of the negotiations. It invites IUCN Members to send in their views and positions on the Rio+20 themes, for posting on IUCN’s Rio website. [Publication: IUCN@Rio Bulletin]

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