9 June 2015
IEA Guide Outlines Steps for Designing and Implementing Smart Grids
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The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published a guide, titled 'How2Guide for Smart Grids in Distribution Networks,' which provides instructions on how to develop a roadmap for the delivery of energy efficiency and other benefits through the deployment of smart electricity grids, including how to incorporate cutting-edge monitoring and management into electricity systems.

IEA29 May 2015: The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published a guide, titled ‘How2Guide for Smart Grids in Distribution Networks,’ which provides instructions on how to develop a roadmap for the delivery of energy efficiency and other benefits through the deployment of smart electricity grids, including how to incorporate cutting-edge monitoring and management into electricity systems.

The publication is the second in the IEA’s How2Guide series, which aim to offer focused guidance on the development of national strategies and roadmaps that can help accelerate the deployment of low-carbon technologies. The guide sets out a four-phase process for designing and implementing smart grids: planning and preparation; envisioning; blueprinting or preparing the roadmap document; and implementing, monitoring and modifying. In each phase, necessary and optional steps for optimal deployment are described, and the guide also outlines technical, strategic, regulatory, financial and organizational barriers, with possible means to overcome them.

The guide also includes four case studies to provide examples of the points highlighted in the guide. [Publication: How2Guide for Smart Grids in Distribution Networks] [IEA News Release] [IISD RS Story on First How2Guide on Wind Energy] [IISD RS Story on Launch of How2Guide Initiative]