4 November 2011
High-Level Expert Group Meeting on Green Agriculture Releases Chair’s Summary
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The High-Level Expert Group Meeting on Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth and Eradicate Poverty has released the Chair's Summary and a "Multi-Layered Road Map," which recognizes green agriculture is key to economic growth and poverty eradication.

27 October 2011: The High-Level Expert Group Meeting on Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth and Eradicate Poverty held in Ramat Gan, Israel, released the Chair’s Summary, which synthesizes the discussions, roundtables and conclusions reached at the meeting. The meeting, co-organized by Israel, through Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) and the Ministry of Agriculture, and the UN Conference for Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20) Secretariat, was held from 25 to 27 October 2011. It sought to raise awareness on green and sustainable agriculture’s role in stimulating economic growth and combating poverty through the sharing of knowledge, best practices and lessons learned, as well as contribute to preparations for the Rio+20 Conference.

The Chair’s Summary highlights that the conclusions were laid out in a “Multi-Layered Road Map.” Some of the conclusions reached are that: green agriculture is a tool for economic growth and poverty eradication; green agriculture should be one of the key Rio+20 themes; ministers of agriculture should attend Rio+20; a global effort is required to create more resilient agricultural systems; infrastructure must be created for natural resource conservation, as well as capacity building of farmers and other stakeholders, including access to financial means. [Publication: Chair’s Summary]


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