1 February 2018: A number of SDGs are at risk of missing their 2030 ambitions unless renewed efforts are undertaken, according to a report published by the UN Global Compact, DNV GL and Sustainia. The report titled, ‘Global Opportunity Report 2018,’ illustrates how sustainability challenges and risks can be viewed as opportunities, and focuses on four SDGs that may miss the 2030 deadline: Goals 10 (reduced inequalities), 12 (responsible consumption and production), 13 (climate action) and 14 (life below water).

The report identifies ten new markets that could help get these SDGs back on track, including blockchain technology-based land rights for SDG 10, and energy-efficient cooling for SDG 13. Other market opportunities are related to: digitization of the supply chain (SDG 10); alternative food sources, transformation of the construction sector to a more circular economy, and re-purposing electric vehicle batteries for domestic power grids (SDG 12); capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) and sustainable shipping (SDG 13); and redesigning plastics and transforming aquaculture with alternative feed sources (SDG 14).

The Global Opportunity Reports, of which this is the fourth edition, seek to demonstrate market potential in the SDGs. They stress that successful businesses are those that focus on the interconnection between traditional sectors and markets and new technology, and are able to capitalize on the convergence of previously separate sectors. Since the first report in 2015, 17,000 business leaders have been consulted, and 55 market opportunities have been identified.

In 2017, DNV GL, Sustainia and the UN Global Compact launched the Global Opportunity Explorer, an open access innovation hub that aims to showcase the best solutions and emerging market opportunities related to the SDGs, and to foster collaboration and cooperation between investors, businesses and entrepreneurs. [UN Global Compact News Story] [Publication: Global Opportunity Report 2018] [Global Opportunity Explorer]