8 March 2010
European Commission’s Scientific Newsletter Focuses on Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Management
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4 March 2010: The February issue of Science for Environment Policy, the newsletter published by the European Commission to inform policy makers of recent research findings, includes a special thematic issue on coastal management that highlights links with climate change.

The editorial underlines that climate change impacts are increasing the vulnerability of coastlines to erosion […]

4 March 2010: The February issue of Science for Environment Policy, the newsletter published by the European Commission to inform policy makers of recent research findings, includes a special thematic issue on coastal management that highlights links with climate change.

The editorial underlines that climate change impacts are increasing the vulnerability of coastlines to erosion and flooding, with far-reaching impacts on coastal communities’ lives and livelihoods, as well as damage to ecosystems and industry. It is also noted that participatory and integrated coastal governance is key in adapting to climate change.
The newsletter also features articles on: “practical applications of resilience principles for coastal communities,” which discusses the concept of resilience in developing climate change strategies; and on “time to take stock of marine and coastal assets,” which discusses the need to develop new methods to evaluate climate change-related risks for the economic value of the coastal and marine environment. [The Newsletter]

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