25 July 2011
EU Ministers Start Discussing Fisheries Policy Reform
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The Council for Agriculture and Fisheries of the EU began consideration of the European Commission's proposed reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy.

Ministers participating in the public debate discussed maximum sustainable yield, transferable fishing concessions, a ban on discards, and special treatment for small-scale coastal fleets.

19 July 2011: The Council for Agriculture and Fisheries of the EU, which gathers fisheries ministers of the EU member States, began its consideration of the European Commission’s proposed reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in a public debate.

The ministers met in Brussels, Belgium, on 19 July 2011. While praising the objective of the maximum sustainable yield proposed, several States stressed the difficulty to reach the objective by 2015. They considered a proposal to introduce a system of transferable fishing concessions as a good basis for further discussion, with many States insisting that this system should be managed at the national level with sufficient safeguards and flexibility.

On the proposed ban on discards, most States agreed with the objective of promoting sustainable fisheries, but some noted that the suggested deadline could be too tight. A majority of States acknowledged the importance of aquaculture and external fishery policy in the proposed reform. Finally, many States welcomed the proposed special treatment for small-scale coastal fleets.

The financial framework for the reformed CFP is expected to be presented by the Commission later in 2011. [EU Press Release] [Website for Public Debate] [Biodiversity Policy & Practice Story on CFP Reform Proposal]

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