18 July 2008
Coastal Cities Summit: Values and Vulnerabilities
story highlights

July 2008: The Coastal Cities Summit, which will take place from 17-20 November 2008, in Saint Petersburg, Florida, US, is organized by the International Ocean Institute.

It will address the challenges that coastal city leaders face as populations increase, resources are depleted, and the impacts of climate change are felt.

The event will focus on […]

Coastal Cities Summit 2008 July 2008: The Coastal Cities Summit, which will take
place from 17-20 November 2008, in Saint Petersburg, Florida, US, is organized
by the International Ocean Institute.

It will address the challenges that
coastal city leaders face as populations increase, resources are depleted, and
the impacts of climate change are felt. The event will focus on climate change,
risk and vulnerability, and sustainable development. [Website]

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