28 October 2011
CDM Executive Board Considers Strategic Planning and Support Structure
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At its 64th meeting, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board decided to launch the policy dialogue on the CDM, adopted its annual report to the COP/MOP, and approved the implementation plan for standards for the CDM programme of activities (PoAs).

27 October 2011: The report of the 64th meeting of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board is now available online. The report outlines issues considered by the Board at the meeting, including issues relating to: the Board’s strategic planning and direction; the Board’s support structure; the CDM management plan; registration of CDM projects; regulatory matters; and relations with forums and other stakeholders.

On issues relating to strategic planning and direction, the Board agreed to the terms of reference for the policy dialogue on the CDM, and decided to launch the policy dialogue at the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) in November-December this year. It also discussed the possible elements of the new vision statement for the Board and requested the Secretariat to include a draft new vision statement in the draft business plan for consideration by the Board at its next meeting.

On matters relating to the Board and its support structure, the Board adopted its annual report to the COP/MOP, which covers the period from 15 October 2010 to 26 October 2011, and requested the Secretariat to finalize the report in cooperation with the Chair of the Board in order to include the outcomes of the 64th meeting of the Board. Once complete, the report will be posted on the UNFCCC and UNFCCC CDM websites.

On regulatory matters, the Board approved the implementation plan for standards for the CDM programme of activities (PoAs). In addition, the Board considered the proposed implementation plans for the CDM project standard (PS) and CDM validation and verification standard (VVS), and for the CDM project cycle procedure (PCP). The Board agreed to the list of documents that would need to be withdrawn, revised and newly developed to operationalize the PS, VVS and PCP, and requested the Secretariat to commence the work on revising and developing relevant documents. It also requested the Secretariat to revise the implementation plan for consideration by the Board at its 65th meeting, and to include in it arrangements to effectively transition to the new provisions introduced by the PS, VVS and PCP. The Board also agreed to consider the draft PCP for adoption at its 65th meeting. [CDM EB 64 Website]

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