4 April 2011
CBD Secretariat Seeks Views on Finance-Related Issues
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In preparation for the fourth meeting of the Working Group on Review of Implementation, to be held in May 2012, in Montreal, Canada, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity is seeking information and views on a series of finance-related issues, including guidance to the financial mechanism and the Strategy for Resource Mobilization.

1 April 2011: In preparation for the fourth meeting of the Working Group on Review of Implementation, to be held in May 2012, in Montreal, Canada, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is seeking information and views on a series of finance-related issues, in accordance with decisions of the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (COP 10).

In accordance with COP Decision X/24, the Secretariat requests information and views on further developing the list of programme priorities transmitted as guidance to the financial mechanism. In accordance with COP Decision X/3B, the Secretariat requests views, information and experiences on the implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization. In accordance with COP Decision X/3A, the Secretariat requests views regarding the basis upon which targets to achieve the goals contained in the Strategy for Resource Mobilization are to be adopted at COP 11. Information should be submitted by 30 November 2011.

In addition, the CBD Secretariat has requested information on innovative financial mechanisms that have the potential to generate new and additional financial resources, as well as on possible problems that could undermine achievement of the Convention’s three objectives, by 30 June 2011. [CBD Notification on Priorities for the Financial Mechanism] [CBD Notification on Strategy for Resource Mobilization] [CBD Notification on Targets of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization] [CBD Notification on Innovative Financial Mechanisms]