20 December 2011
CBD Secretariat Invites Peer Review of Information on Technology Transfer
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Available in the form of a searchable database under the CBD's clearing-house mechanism, the information identified will provide the basis for an analytical document, which will include an identification of gaps in existing work, as well as opportunities to fill these gaps and/or promote synergies.

CBD12 December 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has compiled information received regarding activities to support, facilitate, regulate or promote technology transfer and scientific and technological cooperation of relevance to the CBD, and has made it available in the form of a searchable database under the CBD’s clearing-house mechanism.The information identified will provide the basis for an analytical document, which will include an identification of gaps in existing work, as well as opportunities to fill these gaps and/or promote synergies.

Relevant organizations and initiatives are invited to review the information against the mandate of COP Decision X/16 and submit any comments and suggestions for amendments to the CBD Secretariat by 15 January 2012. [CBD Notification] [Information Database]