18 October 2010
CBD COP 10 Opens in Nagoya
story highlights

Delegates will discuss a series of strategic, substantive, administrative and budgetary issues.

18 October 2010: Following the conclusion of the Biosafety Protocol COP/MOP 5, the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 10) opened on 18 October 2010, and will continue until 29 October 2010. The meeting’s agenda includes a series of strategic, substantive, administrative and budgetary issues.

Among several items, the meeting is expected to adopt an international protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS); assess achievement of the target to reduce significantly the current rate of biodiversity loss by 2010; adopt a new strategic plan and a multi-year programme of work for the Convention; consider issues related to cooperation with other conventions, organizations and initiatives; and address substantive issues, including on marine and coastal biodiversity, biodiversity and climate change, forest biodiversity, biofuels, and Article 8(j) (traditional knowledge). [IISD RS coverage]