15 May 2003
11th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development
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9 May 2003: The eleventh session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-11) took place from 28 April-9 May 2003, at UN Headquarters in New York.

This was the CSD’s first substantive session since the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) met in Johannesburg in 2002.

The Commission commenced with a three-day high-level […]

9 May 2003: The eleventh session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-11) took place from 28 April-9 May 2003, at UN Headquarters in New York.

This was the CSD’s first substantive session since the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) met in Johannesburg in 2002. The Commission commenced with a three-day high-level segment, where over 40 high-level representatives at the ministerial level addressed the future modalities and work programme of the CSD and engaged in interactive ministerial round tables, with the participation of Major Groups, on the theme “Priority actions and commitments to implement the outcomes of the WSSD.” Regional implementation forums also took place and informed delegates of initial steps taken in each UN region to implement the WSSD’s outcomes.

At the end of the first week, CSD-11 Chair Mohammed Valli Moosa, South Africa’s Minister for Environmental Affairs and Tourism, presented a Chair’s draft decision on the future organization, programme and methods of work of the Commission, which was negotiated during the second week. Major Groups also presented their views on the CSD’s future work programme during a multi-stakeholder dialogue at the end of the first week. During the second week, delegates considered and adopted decisions on NGO accreditation, the Bureau and preparations for the international meeting to review the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the sustainable development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). A Partnerships Fair and Learning Center courses took place concurrently with the session.

CSD-11 concluded with adoption of the CSD’s multi-year programme work for the period 2004-2017, which will be organized as a series of two-year action-oriented Implementation Cycles, with a Review Session and a Policy Session in each cycle. Each two-year cycle is expected to consider a thematic cluster of issues and a suite of cross-cutting issues, with the upcoming 2004/ 2005 cycle focusing on water, sanitation and human settlements. The CSD further decided on the modalities for reporting, partnerships and enhancing UN system coordination and Major Groups contributions. As CSD-11 drew to a close, a majority of delegates felt that the opportunity to revitalize the CSD had not been wasted. Within its somewhat modest mandate, CSD-11 fulfilled its tasks. However, it remains to be seen how the new structure will actually perform and inspire implementation of sustainable development. For the Earth Negotiations Bulletin’s report outlining these discussions in detail, visit: http://enb.iisd.org/linkages/csd/csd11/

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