12-18 August 2007 Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
World Water Week in Stockholm 2007: Progress and Prospects on Water – Striving for Sustainability in a Changing World

The 2007 World Water Week will scrutinise progress on water-related development, anticipate and promote the prospects for achieving a desirable future and look to renew partnerships for sustainable development. This year the World Water Week will be held under the overall theme ‘Progress and Prospects on Water – Striving for Sustainability in a Changing World.’  

dates: 12-18 August 2007  
location: Stockholm, Sweden  
contact: Conference secretariat  
phone: 46 (0)8 522 139 60  
fax: 46 (0)8 522 139 61  
e-mail: sympos@siwi.org  
www: http://www.worldwaterweek.org/