15-20 July 2012 Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
Sustainable Energy Finance Academy

The Sustainable Energy Finance Academy is being organized within the new framework of the Frankfurt School–UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance. It will provide a comprehensive framework on renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) financing. It will also discuss climate change and policy negotiations, legal issues relating to renewable and sustainable energy investments, funding sources and issues surrounding RE/EE project implementation such as risk management and cash flows.  

dates: 15-20 July 2012   location: Frankfurt, Germany   contact: Summer Academy Team   phone: +49 (069) 154008 – 692   fax: +49 (069) 154008-4692   e-mail: summeracademy@fs.de   www: http://www.frankfurt-school.de/content/en/intern_advisory/frankfurt_summer_academies.html  

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