12-14 November 2012 Addis Ababa, Adis Abeba, Ethiopia
Second Targeted African Regional Targeted Workshop for GEF IW Projects and Partners

This workshop on the Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters (IW) projects will seek to enable inter-basin cooperation in the African region. The workshop will: present key approaches and methodologies for economic valuation, payment for ecosystem services (PES) and ecosystem-based approaches (EBA) for freshwater and marine resources; exchange experiences, increase awareness of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Watercourses Convention) and its global expansion; and identify next steps in the context of GEF IW projects.  

dates: 12-14 November 2012   venue: UN Economic Commission for Africa   location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia   contact: Mish Hamid   e-mail: mish@iwlearn   www: http://iwlearn.net/abt_iwlearn/events/2nd-targeted-workshop-for-gef-iw-projects-in-africa/2nd-targeted-workshop-for-gef-iw-projects-in-africa  

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