3-5 June 2024 Nairobi, Kenya
Second Global Meeting of National Focal Points for the Montevideo Programme

The second Global Meeting of National Focal Points under the Fifth Programme for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law (Montevideo Programme V) will bring together designated national focal points to exchange information and build capacities to collaborate with and guide the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in strengthening the Montevideo Environmental Law Programme.

The meeting will be held pursuant to resolution 4/20 of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) that adopted the Montevideo Programme. Participants provide guidance to UNEP on relevant institutional and implementation arrangements for the programme, together with identifying needs and priorities in the field of environmental rule of law.

The Montevideo Programme V is an intergovernmental programme designed to promote the development and implementation of environmental rule of law, strengthen the related capacity in countries, and contribute to the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The first Global Meeting took place in two segments – a virtual segment held online from 2-4 June 2021, and an in-person segment held over three days in early 2022. During the first segment, national focal points took decisions and provided guidance to UNEP on relevant institutional arrangements for the programme and identified initial priorities for implementation in the field of environmental rule of law.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) summary of the resumed meeting notes that in addition to setting priorities for the Programme’s work, delegates agreed that in focusing on climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, “Montevideo Programme V will, among other things, seek to help countries with legal responses to implement their obligations under the relevant multilateral environment agreements (MEAs),” including the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes, “while cooperating with the MEA secretariats to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure synergies”.

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dates: 3-5 June 2024
location: Nairobi, Kenya
www: https://www.unep.org/events/unep-event/second-global-meeting-montevideo-national-focal-points

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