20 May 2012 worldwide
International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise

The International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise (IDBHP) aims to promote public support through various events and exhibitions at museums and scientific institutions around the Baltic Sea riparian states. The aim is that IDBHP will be observed by at least one notable institution in every country around the Baltic Sea. The IDBHP offers an opportunity to highlight the critical status of the Baltic population of the harbour porpoise and the threats to its survival.  

date: 20 May 2012   venue: Baltic Sea Riparian States   location: worldwide   contact: CMS/ASCOBANS Secretariat   phone: +49 228 815 2416   e-mail: ascobans@ascobans.org   www: http://www.ascobans.org/pdf/IDBHP2012_final.pdf  

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