19-23 May 2008 Lodz, Lodzkie, Poland
International Conference on Ecohydrological Processes and Sustainable Floodplain Management Opportunities and Concepts for Water Hazard Mitigation, and Ecological and Socioeconomic Sustainability

This conference will bring specialists from various disciplines, contributing to perceiving floodplains as an integrative element of strategies to manage water-related disaster risks and enhance opportunities for sustainable management. Conference sessions will be organized around regional perspectives (Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North and South America). Their aim is to present a range of contrasting philosophies and associated practical approaches appropriate for different parts of the world in relation to the Millennium Development Goals.  

dates: 19-23 May 2008  
location: Lodz, Poland  
contact: Z. Kaczkowski  
e-mail: kaczko@biol.uni.lodz.pl  
www: http://www.erce.unesco.lodz.pl/index.php?id=122&lev=1&t=2&nid=50