1-5 November 2010 Maputo, Mozambique
First All-Africa Energy Week

The First All Africa Energy Week (AAEW) is organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), in cooperation with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), under the theme: “Energy Infrastructure and Services in the Context of Climate Challenges.” The overall objectives of the AAEW are to achieve more efficient, coherent and coordinated actions towards increasing energy access and developing the energy sector in Africa; and to accelerate progress through dialogue and partnerships in scaling up investments in the African energy sector. The All-Africa Energy Week will be organised jointly with the Pan African Investment Forum and the AU Conference of African Energy Ministers.  

dates: 1-5 November 2010  
location: Maputo, Mozambique  
contact: Yvan Cliche  
e-mail: y.cliche@afdb.org  
www: http://www.afdb.org/en/news-events/article/afdb-organizes-the-first-all-african-energy-week-7191/