18-19 October 2007 New York City, US
Expert Group Meeting: Innovative Finance for Sustainable Development

The UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) will be holding its 16th session in the first half of 2008, focusing on policy options and practical measures to address challenges in the areas of agriculture, desertification, drought, rural development, including a special focus on Africa. To inform the discussions, the Division for Sustainable Development, which acts as Secretariat to the Commission, will organize this meeting, with a particular focus on the themes of CSD-16.  

dates: 18-19 October 2007   location: New York, US   contact: DSD Secretariat   phone: 1-212-963-8102   fax: 1-212-963-4260   e-mail: dsd@un.org   www: http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/sdissues/finance/egm2007/index.htm  

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