11-15 September 2006 Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia

This symposium will focus on the ecosystems of European large lakes and their ecological and socioeconomic impacts. The event will provide a platform for: discussing new scientific findings regarding the functioning of large lake ecosystems under the influence of anthropogenic and climatic stressors; enhancing the communication and exchange of ideas among scientists, water management authorities and politicians; and fostering international cooperation in all aspects of investigation and management of both national and transnational European water bodies.  

dates: 11-15 September 2006  
location: Tartu, Estonia  
additional: Puhajarve  
contact: Tuula Toivanen, University of Joensuu  
phone: 358-13-251-3503  
fax: 358-13-251-3449  
e-mail: tuula.toivanen@joensuu.fi  
www: http://www.largelakes.ebc.ee/  

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