6-7 May 2003 Athens, Attiki, Greece
Conference on Sustainable Development for Lasting Peace: Shared Water, Shared Future, Shared Knowledge

Jointly Hosted by the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Bank, this conference’s themes are: Shared Future: Developing A Common Vision for Peace, Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development – Toward Diplomacy for Environment and Sustainable Development; Shared Water: Management of Shared Resources – Challenges, Opportunities and Constraints; and Shared Knowledge: Developing, Disseminating and Applying Knowledge. Through a series of roundtables, participants will reflect on recent international, regional and national experience in transboundary management of water resources and discuss their relevance from the perspectives of peace and stability, sustainable development and poverty reduction.  

dates: 6-7 May 2003  
location: Athens, Greece  
contact: GWP-Med Secretariat  
phone: 30-210-3247490  
fax: 30-210-3317127  
e-mail: secretariat@gwpmed.org  
www: http://www.gwpforum.org/servlet/PSP?iNodeID=204&itemId=3172  

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