16-20 July 2007 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil
Community forest management and enterprises: global issues and opportunities

Organized by the International Tropical Timber Organization and Rights and Resources Group, this conference that will bring together about 250 leaders of forest communities, public forest agencies, forest industry and conservation groups to share experiences in community forest management and enterprises from around the world. It will explore case studies from over a dozen community forests and debate the best ways of assisting the sustainable development of community-based operations.  

dates: 16-20 July 2007  
location: Rio Branco, Brazil  
contact: Patricia Hanashiro, ITTO  
phone: 81-45-223-1110  
fax: 81-45-223-1111  
e-mail: hanashiro@itto.or.jp  
www: http://www.itto.or.jp/live/PageDisplayHandler?pageId=223&id=3191  

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