The 21st Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP21) will take place from 2-5 December 2019, in Naples, Italy. 

The Convention’s main objectives are: to assess and control marine pollution; to ensure sustainable management of natural marine and coastal resources; to integrate the environment in social and economic development; to protect the marine environment and coastal zones through prevention and reduction of pollution, and as far as possible, elimination of pollution, whether land or sea-based; to protect the natural and cultural heritage; to strengthen solidarity among Mediterranean coastal States; and to contribute to improvement of the quality of life.

The Barcelona Convention has given rise to seven Protocols addressing specific aspects of Mediterranean environmental conservation. They include the: Dumping Protocol (from ships and aircraft); Prevention and Emergency Protocol (pollution from ships and emergency situations); Land-based Sources and Activities Protocol; Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity Protocol; Offshore Protocol (pollution from exploration and exploitation); Hazardous Wastes Protocol; and the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). 


Napoli, Campania, Italy