Despite being the largest demographic in the world, and the most at risk, youth commonly have the smallest voice when it comes to engagement. At World Youth Foundation we believe that young people are a major power of change. We hope that, through active engagement and empowerment, youth will start driving change because the world we will all inherit is shaped by the actions and decisions of today.

World Youth Foundation, a non-governmental organization (NGO) in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and an NGO associated with the UN Department of Public Information (DPI), is organizing an International Conference on ‘Youth, Ocean and SDG 14’ in Melaka, Malaysia, from 1-5 July 2019 as a follow-up to the International Workshop on Youth Action on Climate Change convened in May 2015. The International Conference will gather a maximum of 150 dynamic youth leaders from around the world, between the ages of 18-25.

The International Conference will provide an opportunity for young people from around the globe to discuss, understand, share, find solutions to and develop strategies on issues pertaining to ocean conservation and preservation, marine pollution, climate change-related impacts on the oceans, sustainable blue economy, coral reefs and fisheries, among others. Young people are directly affected by these problems, and actively engaging youth on sustaining and improving the health of our oceans is imperative if we want to successfully implement the SDGs, especially Goal 14 (life under water).

The four-day conference will comprise a diverse variety of sessions including keynote presentations, plenary sessions and capacity-building training, including an outreach programme which aims to build the capacity of young people on how to conserve and preserve the ocean. On the last day of the event participants will formulate a Global Marine Litter Awareness Campaign, and a formal outcome document will be adopted at the conclusion of the conference.

Early Registration Closes: 31 May 2019.

Late Registration Closes: 15 June 2019.

Please click here to register.

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Should you need any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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This article was written by Varsha Ajmera, Chief Operations Officer, World Youth Foundation.



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