30 January 2011
UN General Assembly Adopts Resolutions on Ecotourism and Code of Ethics for Tourism
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Resolutions 65/148 and 65/173 recognize the important dimension and role of tourism and ecotourism as a positive instrument towards the eradication of poverty.

24 January 2011: The UN General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted resolutions on the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (A/RES/65/148) and enouraging the UN system to promote ecotourism (A/RES/65/173).

Resolution 65/158 encourages the UN World Tourism Organization, through its World Committee on Tourism Ethics and the permanent secretariat of the Committee, to continue to promote and disseminate the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. In the resolution UNGA invites states and other stakeholders to: support the activities undertaken by, inter alia, the UN World Tourism Organization for the promotion of responsible and sustainable tourism, including in the context of emergency preparedness and response to natural disasters, as well as for capacity building in order to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, by extending the benefits of tourism to all sectors of society, in particular the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the population, while minimizing its negative impact.

Resolution 65/173 encourages the UN system, in the context of the global campaign for the Millennium Development Goals, to promote ecotourism as an instrument that can contribute to achieving those Goals. It also encourages the regional and international financial institutions to provide adequate support to programmes and projects related to ecotourism. [UN Resolution 65/148] [UN Resolution 65/173]

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