2 February 2011
Ramsar Celebrates 40th Anniversary
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For the celebrations, the Ramsar Secretariat prepared a special 40th anniversary logo, a booklet, a video clip contest, and 12 key messages about wetlands and the Convention aimed at inspiring action at international, national or local levels.  

2 February 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Secretariat) is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Convention, which was adopted on 2 February 1971, in the city of Ramsar, Iran.

In preparation for the celebrations, the Ramsar Secretariat: developed a special 40th anniversary logo; prepared a 40th anniversary booklet about the Convention, its past, present and future; planned special anniversary celebrations with the international community in Ramsar city, Iran, in March and in Geneva, Switzerland, in May; and drafted 12 key messages about Ramsar and wetlands, to be shared from 2 February 2011 to 2 February 2012; and launched a video clip contest on the anniversary and why we care about wetlands.

In addition, on 2 February 2011, the Ramsar Secretariat will also celebrate World Wetlands Day 2011, under the theme “Forests for water and wetlands,” in recognition that 2011 has been declared the “International Year of Forests” by the UN. To date, the Ramsar Convention has 160 member countries, and 1,911 Ramsar Sites, or Wetlands of International Importance, that cover over 186 million hectares. [40th Anniversary Website] [World Wetlands Day 2011 Website] [Ramsar Press Release on Video Clip Contest]