12 October 2009
UNIDO Co-organizes Global Renewable Energy Forum 2009
story highlights

9 October 2009: From 7-9 October 2009, the Global Renewable Energy Forum 2009, co-organized by the Ministry of Energy of Mexico and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), brought together over 2000 participants from over 73 countries, including 30 ministers and high-level representatives, to discuss “Scaling up Renewable Energy.” The Forum sought to create a […]

© ENB9 October 2009: From 7-9 October 2009, the Global Renewable Energy Forum 2009, co-organized by the Ministry of Energy of Mexico and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), brought together over 2000 participants from over 73 countries, including 30 ministers and high-level representatives, to discuss “Scaling up Renewable Energy.”

The Forum sought to create a platform for the strengthening of inter-regional cooperation, and to encourage multi-stakeholder partnerships in efforts to scale-up renewable energy in Latin America and elsewhere. Participants focused on the leadership required to mainstream renewable energy and to develop supportive policy frameworks to support clean energy initiatives.
Associated themes repeated throughout the event included the need for: stability and predictability in renewable energy policy to enhance prospects for private investment; improved capacities to use existing renewable technologies; energy poverty and energy justice issues to be addressed; and all countries, rich and poor, to take urgent action to adopt renewable technologies to ensure the transition to a post-carbon society.
[GREF 2009 website][Detailed Programme][IISDRS coverage]